trakonline review

Trakonline, an Australian GPS tracking provider, utilise GPS, GSM and satellite tracking to ensure a more consistent and accurate fleet tracking system.

Trakonline Fleet Management System

Trakonline ReviewRating (1-5*)
Ease of Use★★★★
Customer Support★★
Value for Money★★★
Reviewed by Global Positioning Specialists12/05/2016
*(1) poor, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) very good, (5) excellent

Trakonline offer one holistic system which they bill as being suitable for both large and small fleets across a range of vehicles including trucks, vans and cars. Their system aims to reduce the biggest outgoings of every fleet based business:

  • Fuel
  • Insurance
  • Overtime
  • Communications

The Trakonline GPS vehicle tracking system works to provide you with both real-time data and historical reports including data such as speed, idling, unscheduled stops, location, and are even able to provide you with reminders of when your vehicles are due servicing.

Trakonline’s GPS vehicle tracking system is part of their wider service for Australian fleet management services. Known and established already for their vehicle security and plant and asset security systems, Trakonline’s systems can be combined to build an all-encompassing system for managing your fleet. In addition, there is TrakonlineAuto which can be used as part of a systematic package to include your vehicle maintenance and repairs.

Trakonline’s fleet management system aims to provide what is needed in terms of fleet management whatever the size of your business, fleet and type of industry. The GPS system can be used in a range of vehicles including cars, vans and lorries, as well as in plant and equipment if necessary. This generalised and generic approach makes it easily accessible for many. However, the system isn’t tailored to individual requirements, so this can present issues for companies wanting to utilise the fleet management system as effectively as they may want. The plus of this is it is easy to use and set up, drivers can intuitively grasp the messaging system and they don’t have any interaction at all with the tracker itself, but it does mean for some industries with specific requirements that you may find that the system is limited.

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Trakonline Technology

As previously mentioned, Trakonline utilises GPS, GSM and satellite tracking which allows for 24/7 vehicle data recording and reporting, accessible from anywhere in the world with an internet or mobile communication connection. The units within the vehicle take two forms: the data terminal and the tracker. The data terminal is similar to what you will have seen in taxi cabs. It is a small monitor that enables communication between drivers and fleet managers through text messages. The tracker is the recording and analytic data collector that automatically feeds information required for fleet management. This doesn’t require any driver intervention at all, and operates automatically on the vehicle starting and stopping.

Features and Benefits of Trakonline

  • 24/7 operation wherever you have access to the internet or mobile communications
  • Data security: user names and passwords are protected meaning only the required personnel have access to the data
  • High-tech mapping features
  • Ability to zoom in and out of the mapping screens to hone in on relevant positions
  • Ignition status, vehicle location, idling time, speed and direction data
  • System tracks service and maintenance requirements and provides prompts
  • Historical vehicle reports provided for every vehicle across the fleet
  • Journey reports detailing distance travelled, journey lengths, locations and routes taken
  • Geofence Reporting: vehicle utilisation within specified geographical zones
  • Driver behaviour reports such as traveling speed, idling, distance travelled, starts and stops
  • Driver and Vehicle Identification
  • Communications between both the fleet managers and drivers as well as drivers themselves
  • Driver Interface allows Fleet Management personnel to easily see job status with driver status e.g. job completed etc
  • Assign dispatch instructions
  • Security Options to enhance safety and security
  • Reduced wage and overtime costs as well as reducing fuel costs for poorly routed fleets

Trakonline Costs and Value For Money

Costs of the Trakonline system are difficult to gauge as they will depend on the size of your fleet and the different options chosen. However, Trakonline state that on average, over a 3 year lease period, the fleet management system costs $3 per day per vehicle.

Why Choose Trakonline GPS Vehicle Tracking System

Trakonline will send a dedicated sales person to visit you so you can understand exactly what the Trakonline system can do for your business. It is a general system, and as such is therefore largely suitable for a range of fleet types and sizes, although if your fleet is large and has highly complex requirements you may benefit from a more tailored system. Trakonline are well established in Australia for their other products and services for over a decade, therefore they know the Australian marketplace and idiosyncrasies.

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