High accuracy gps rtls

Using a real time GPS location tracker is the key to improving customer service in any fleet-based business in Australia. Knowing you’ve got a real time location system (RTLS) giving you accurate data on where your fleet is, allows you to meet customer expectations, and often exceed them. GPS accuracy has developed tremendously in just a few years in Australia, and as such high accuracy tracking of your fleet is now a reality.

What are Real Time Location Systems (RTLS)?

Real time location systems (RTLS) are devices used to automatically check and track the location of specific objects, people, or in the case of fleet-based businesses, vehicles. Previously, such vehicle tracking systems were limited, and more passive, simply storing the data, usually obtained via radio waves. Now however, RTLS, real time tracking devices, otherwise known as GPS location trackers, which rely on high accuracy GPS let you pinpoint the exact location of your vehicles in real time. Real time tracking typically uses live GPS trackers meaning you know where your vehicles are and what they are doing instantaneously.

How Accurate are Real Time Location Trackers?

The key to the accuracy of RTLS is GPS functionality. If it’s not a GPS tracking system then the accuracy will be compromised by simple things, such as walls, that distort the range. This renders non-GPS trackers virtually useless in the real world of fleet based companies. It is not worth considering vehicle tracking without GPS.

The boom in the market for online vehicle tracking and live GPS trackers, especially for fleet-based businesses, is simply down to the fact that GPS technology is now highly accurate.

Most GPS live trackers have accuracy to 3 metres (or 10 feet).

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What Can Affect the Accuracy of Real Time GPS Trackers?

Real time GPS tracking devices are rapidly becoming more and more technologically advanced and as such RTLS are the option of choice for those seeking live tracking, through high accuracy GPS. In the wide open – covering most of Australia, particularly trucking routes, RTLS are practically flawless, highly accurate systems. Heavily built-up areas, valleys and other environmental characteristics pose a slightly greater challenge for the accuracy of GPS, but the accuracy is still within a few metres. As more satellites are being placed the accuracy of GPS is constantly being improved.

Other factors that may affect the accuracy of GPS RTLS include the quality of the GPS receiver; the position of the GPS satellites at the time of recording the data; and sometimes the weather. Nonetheless high accuracy GPS is possible despite these challenges.

5 Ways High Accuracy GPS RTLS Can Improve Customer Service

Improved customer serviceCustomer service can make or break a fleet-based business. Knowing that you are delivering a high-quality service to your customers first
time, every time, is imperative for Australian business success. Real time GPS trackers make customer service for fleet-based businesses significantly easier. RTLS are the key to your fleet based business performance. The top 5 ways that high accuracy GPS RTLS can improve your customer service are:

  1. Efficiency: without fleet management and RTLS individual drivers or fleet operators would have to plan out routes and drop-offs. The result being highly inefficient. With RTLS you can redirect the nearest vehicle to a new job in their area with ease, you can centrally control and organise routes, and as a result, customers are served in the least amount of time, improving service. Additionally, by reducing the overall mileage through effective routing, businesses can cut fuel costs through mileage.
  2. Productivity: by working to more efficient routes, and knowing exactly who will be where and when, you can work to your maximum capacity and manage your vehicles more effectively. By reducing the overall mileage, and therefore fuel costs, you waste fewer resources, driving down your costs for your customer.
  3. Information: all of your customers live busy lives with deadlines and commitments of their own. With GPS RTLS you can keep your customers informed about where their delivery or service provider is and the exact data regarding their order.
  4. Safety: taking care of the health and safety of your employees through RTLS by identifying driver behaviours such as speeding or harsh braking can be beneficial for not only your workforce but also have a positive impact on customer service by ensuring that deliveries are made safely without any undue accidents.
  5. Visibility: integrating RTLS with dispatch systems can be extremely useful in tracking a delivery from the moment of the order was made to the time that it was delivery. Knowing exactly where items are at any point in the chain means less room for error, meaning you deliver the goods to your customer, first time, every time.

How Can Businesses Track Vehicles in Real Time?

GPS trackers collect the data, but how can you access it in real time to ensure you know where your vehicles are and what they are doing? The technology used to make this a possibility is web vehicle tracking software. It is this software that makes GPS tracker truly live trackers. These are the platforms that allow you to access the GPS data in real time.

Web Vehicle Tracking Software:

An excellent integrated web vehicle tracking system with real time tracking will include features such as:

  • Customisable Interface: allowing you to tailor the real time tracking system to your specific business needs and branding
  • Web-based Authentication: allowing multiple staff members to have different levels of access and log-ins to access the data from anywhere in the world
  • Mapping & Street View Capabilities: allowing you to accurately direct and route your fleet as well as track their progress
  • Geo-Fencing Capabilities: allowing you to fence certain geographical areas to apportion work and maintain optimal operation of your fleet
  • Customisable Reports: allowing you to manipulate and utilise the real time GPS data exactly how you need it
  • Integration to Other Platforms: such as dispatch systems so that you have an accurate, fully integrated operational system
Improve customer service with accurate web vehicle tracking softwareCompare quotes

What Other Benefits Can Live GPS Trackers Offer?

GPS RLTS are vital for any fleet based business wanting to increase profits and reduce costs whilst improving customer service. With high accuracy GPS and online vehicle tracking systems you will experience additional business benefits:

  • Driver Behaviour Management: some GPS live trackers enable you to track data, in real time, about driver behaviour such as speeding, harsh braking and cornering, or unauthorised vehicle use. This allows you to hone your employee training accordingly.
  • Security: live GPS trackers make it possible for you to know where a vehicle is, when, as well as, in some cases, alarm and immobilisation activation. This helps protect your fleet against theft and unauthorised use. In the event of theft, you can track your vehicle to aid recovery.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: by integrating your system with reporting functions and OBD II software, you can schedule routine maintenance and repairs in a way that more easily fits in with business requirements as well as meeting regulations and legal requirements for your fleet
  • Health & Safety Responsibilities: live GPS trackers help you to keep your drivers safe and ensure they and you as the employer, are adhering to Australian Law.
  • Dispatch & Routing: High accuracy GPS combined with fleet management software, allows you to ensure maximum productivity from your business. You can also work around traffic problems as they arise and adjust the routes of your fleets accordingly.
  • Minimise Fuel Costs: by using RTLS tracking systems you can minimise fuel costs by ensuring vehicles take the shortest and most economical routes for driving conditions.
  • Lower Operational Costs: through route optimisation you reduce fuel costs, maintenance costs, and overtime costs. Therefore your overall operation costs become lower.

Which Companies Provide Accurate Real Time Location Systems?

SupplierHigh Accuracy RTLSRating (1-5)*
*(1) poor, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) very good, (5) excellent

RTLS Case Studies

The following case studies display how GPS RLTS have improved customer service across a diverse range of businesses.

Flawless customer service through accurate records

Hot and Cold ShopFleetmatics

Hot and Cold Shop are a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning business operating in Victoria. They needed to manage multiple clients’ requests. Their requirements were dependent on excellent time management, accuracy and flawless customer service. They introduced the Fleetmatics WORK system which enabled them to eliminate the error-prone paper trail and replace it with a software system that keeps accurate records. The result was improved efficiency and a better managed process from customer inquiry through to billing.

Real time visibility, accurate delivery times and improved dispatching

Residential SacffoldFleetmatics

Operating in Queensland, Residential Scaffolds are saving between $2k and $5k per month as a result of installing Fleetmatics REVEAL across their fleet. This is a business which grew rapidly, and with expansion they found their systems failing. Drivers were sometimes late, or even not showing up for jobs. The result was unwanted complaints damaging their reputation. With the GPS RTLS they have been able to ensure real-time visibility of their entire fleet which they can then verify against customer records. The Fleetmatics REVEAL system also enables them to give out accurate delivery time and improve their dispatching system.

Eliminate Customer Disputes

Contact ElectricalFleetmatics

Contact Electrical are a Tasmanian firm who installed Fleetmatics REVEAL in order to ensure improved response times and eliminate customer disputes. An added bonus has been improving employee safety. Contact Electrical have found having a GPS real time location system has been invaluable for dispatching emergency jobs as they are easily able to see who is available and who is nearest the job in hand, and as a result succeeded customer expectation and satisfaction. They have also been able to use Fleetmatics REVEAL to verify fuel card data which has reduced fuel costs by eliminating staff abuse.

Reduce fuel costs, increase productivity and improve customer service with real time tracking softwareCompare prices today